Sometimes we come across people and we make a difference in their lives without even meaning to. I heard a statistic recently, and even if it’s not completely accurate, I think the principle holds true. The statistic was that in any given day, you will make a difference in 14 people’s lives. The difference may be good or bad, but it shows the influence that we have over others. Recently, I made a difference in someone’s life, and didn’t even realize it.
This particular guy works at Woolworths, which is a grocery store that sells “high-class” food. They are known for being more expensive, but also better quality. At Africa Ablaze, we collect any food that has passed the “sell by” date from Woolies 5 times a week. Piet and myself do the collection about 2 out of the 5 times a week.
One of the first times we started going, there was a guy who was very much set in his ways. He was very worldly, if I can put it that way. Always talking about how crazy his weekends are, how much pot he smokes, and how much sex he has. I tried as hard as I could to ignore this obnoxious 27 year old. He would even bring the conversation back to me and try to find out how crazy my lifestyle is. At one point he was even banned from working with us when we came because of his continuous inappropriate comments.
As I continued going, sometimes with Piet and sometimes with other staff, the conversation grew more spiritual. But being the type of person that he is, he would solely argue his point that Jesus never existed and never listen to any other opinion. On one particular day, he didn’t even let me get one word in. A few days later, he apologized and let me share my opinion. I just started asking questions about his beliefs to see where he was at. He mentioned that he believes God exists, but has never seen a sign that Jesus still works in our lives today. So I left him with a challenge. I told him that he should pray every day for one month that God will show him something that will prove the existence of Jesus. I promised him, that without a doubt God would do something as long as he kept his word that he would pray that prayer for 30 days. I told him I’d come back to him in one month and he was going to tell me what happened.
I didn’t see this guy for a while, and Piet and I went away for a week, but when we came back, I had heard word from another staff member at Africa Ablaze that this young man from Woolies had accepted Jesus Christ! I was shocked, but so glad.
About a week later I went into the store and there he was with a huge smile on his face. I told him, “I heard the good news.” He said that yes it was true that he had accepted Jesus and he is now a new person. He was just disappointed that he didn’t get to tell me himself.
I just wanted to share that small yet powerful testimony! We really never know who we are influencing throughout our daily lives. It’s important that we, “live a life worthy of the calling [we] have received.” Eph 4:1.