Our team has been helping in a local primary school for the past three weeks now. We have helped with a few swimming galas (competitions) and we have been helping with extra classes after school as well as sports coaching (swimming and cricket). The team agrees that one of the most special parts of ministering at the school is connecting with the teachers on a personal basis. We have enjoyed so much being able to assist in their classrooms and getting to share our stories as well about why we have joined the Year of Your Life program. They have also asked many questions about our church and trying to wrap their heads around our whole belief system.
Jump forward to one week ago, last week Thursday. We arrived in the teacher’s lounge ready to cover math books, which has been our assignment for many weeks now. The teachers came in one by one with tears in their eyes. We then learned that a boy in grade 5 (age 10) named Tyler had passed away that morning from crones disease. We knew that at that time we needed to be extra supportive and gentle. We also learned that the memorial service would be held at our church.Tuesday and yesterday two girls from our team and I helped Tyler’s teacher prepare a poster board of pictures and notes to Tyler from his classmates.
Today was the memorial service. As we were preparing for the day and for the service, we sadly learned that yet ANOTHER child, also in grade 5, had passed away this morning. She stopped breathing after swimming class; exactly a week after Tyler. Understandably the teachers were a wreck. Everyone is scared and paranoid. We will be helping with the preparations of the second memorial service as well.At that moment we decided that we need to claim that ground for Jesus Christ. One day next week we want to stop our program and join in unity to cover the campus in prayer.
Won’t you join us in praying for these two families that have experienced loss as well as plead the blood of JESUS over the students and teachers that remain?We believe with all our hearts that it is God’s perfect timing for us to be in this particular school. We see evidence of God at work in the midst of tragedy.