Monday, September 3, 2012

Year of OUR Lives

Executing a “Unique Taste”!

We are happy to announce that Piet’s new business is almost up and running. By this time next week we will be in full swing! For a few months now, Piet has had the idea to sell food by the side of the road to taxi drivers and people waiting for a taxi. He scouted out a prime spot very close to our house.
Piet's catering trailer

After we returned home from Zambia, we (in faith) bought a catering trailer which was completely by God’s blessing.
Piet belongs to a small business association that helps low income entrepreneurs get on their feet. Recently, the business association (called Seeds of Africa) found a sponsor for Piet’s business: Unique Taste Foods. With the money given, he was able to buy all the necessary items.
Piet’s brother Ernest will run the business Monday-Friday. He will sell freshly braaied (BBQ’d) chicken or steak, pap (a starch), side salad, and fries. “Unique Taste” will give Ernest a job as well as give a bit of a supplement to our income. We are really excited to see how the business grows and flourishes as the months go on.

Year of Your Life
We cannot believe that it was this time last year that we starting planning and dreaming about YOYL. The time has escaped us and the year is coming to an end in 3 short months.
Since our return from Zambia, we have been carrying on with weekly ministry as usual. Piet and myself and a few of our team members have been helping with the church youth group, which the other half of the team is involved in children’s ministry.
We have also completed a renovation project in our local community. Across the road from the church is a community center complete with a playground. The playground was broken in various spots, it had chipped paint, and wasn’t the safest for children to play on. We have added a sand pit, fixed all the broken planks and made a world of difference with colourful paint! A few moms in the community have asked if we can do a once-a-week play group with their children. What a great opportunity this will be to bring good news of a Saviour to these young lives!
Painting at Thembalami Care Center
In addition to all of this, we have had a few other outreach projects as well: painting at an old age home for the disabled, cleaning homes in a retirement village, and leading the CIA group (Christians in Action) at the local high school. Finally, we will again be crossing borders in October as we will be having an outreach to Lesotho!

CIA Club at Rand Park High School
Needs and Prayer Needs:
-A deep fryer for the business
-A small generator
-Protection and blessing over the business
-Protection for our business against corruption from governing officials of this country
-Pray for our team as they start thinking about their plans for next year

And, in other news, in three months from today, we will be arriving in the USA!!!
Thank you for standing beside our family as we get the business going and finish out the year!
Blessings and Love
The Bakers


  1. Congrats on tbe business! Question - what makes it a "unique taste?" the meal you describe is pretty standard SA grub (which I understand, most enjoy) - so what makes your food "unique?" - Aside fromt the fact that Ernest will be running it!

    1. @Mauricio, Unique Taste originates from my olive business, so just expanded the business to something more recognizable but with a different flavor and customer service.

  2. Wow Leah! Thanks for the update! Love to see God's provision for you and Piet and your ministry :)

    1. @Mauricio, Unique Taste originates from my olive business, so just expanded the business to something more recognizable but with a different flavor and customer service.

  3. Hi Leah-
    Thank you for sending your blog - Can you remove my old e-mail address - and add my new companies address
    I would love to stay up to date , and congrats on your new business - its like a new baby -
    so much to do each day , but all worth it because its your very own :)
    It has been on my heart to help any way I can in my new business - the orphans in Africa -
    I will be praying for your business - please pray for mine . Much Love , Cousin Carolyn / Marilyn

  4. I am so Proud of you guys! How great is our God!! So neat to see how far you have come and how this business has played out. Praying as always for you guys.
    Love you!
